Fit India School Flag


Our school library exists to provide a range of learning opportunities  both for the group of students as well as individuals with a focus on intellectual content and information literacy. School library functions as a central location for all the information available and also serves as a learning space for students to do independent work. The purpose of the library is to ensure that all members of the school community have equitable access to the rich resource available . We have more than 2200 books under different category. In addition we too have number of magazines, journals and daily news papers. In our school library all the students, staff and sometimes, parents have access to a variety of resources.
• As reading habit is very essential for learning and the acquiring of knowledge, pupils are Encouraged to take the maximum advantage of the school library.
• For an orderly access to the library and to preserve the books in good condition for the use of everyone, the pupils must observe the rules of the library and take care of the books.
• Anyone who borrows books from the library, including members of the staff, should return the same on the due date to facilitate their circulation among others.

Don Bosco